Here they are before I blocked them. This pattern is easy to understand. If your like me, then you'll want to mark your place at the beginning of each round. I recommend using a paper clip or a stitch marker to do this. Pay close attention to each of your stitches so you don't miss any stitches.
You can block these doilies using different methods. I used the method here on this you tube video put out by Beanie: You can also use liquid or spray starch to block your doilies. Here is a link to show you how to do that:
there are other methods for blocking your doilies, you just need to do a little research to find one that suits your needs. Here is a picture of them after they have been blocked:
I used beanie's method for the pink one, but I used just plain water to block the blue and cream ones.
I hope you enjoyed this post on the pineapple doilies. Leave me a comment if you want to see a specific project. Thanks for joining me.